Deleting your account

How to delete your account

If you’re sure you want to delete your Socialbud account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile:

    Find your profile at the bottom of the sidebar.

  2. Open account settings:

    Click the three dots next to your profile icon and select My account in the pop-up menu.

  3. Choose delete account:

    On the My account page, you will find the Delete user account button, in the middle of the page.

  4. Review deletion information:

    A pop-up window will appear with important information about what happens when you delete your account, including that this action can only be completed with our Customer Support team.

  5. If you are certain about deleting your account:

    Click Open support button, to reach Customer support, where you can submit your request to delete your account. Follow any confirmation instructions they may send you to ensure secure processing of your deletion request.

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Please note: Account deletion is permanent and cannot be undone.
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If you don't want to delete your account simply click "No" in the pop-up window.

Additional information for account deletion requests:

Timeframe for processing
Our Customer support team generally processes account deletion requests within 48 hours. During this time, they may reach out to confirm your request.

Account deletion alternatives
If you’re considering account deletion due to notification preferences or other concerns, our Customer support team is here to help. They can guide you through adjusting your settings or exploring other options that may better suit your needs.

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